Friday, 18 May 2012


Sometimes we think that we can live on our own and make decisions by ourselves forgetting that we are who we are because of others, simply say that for an instance young entrepreneurs can never be successful unless there is some kind of boost in the work. In my language we say “motho ke motho ka batho” when we describing the generosity that exists within communities and neighbourhoods that care for each other  in spite of race, colour, sex and other factors that would prevent this principle. In South Africa this principle is displayed excellently hence why it exist here other than anywhere in the world and this makes me proud of my country because it is one of a kind, not  forgetting the beauty that sounds it from all directions of the winds of Africa.


I care for the next person even if they might not need that care but I care and this also bring peace amongst ourselves because instead of tolerating each other we actually love one another, which makes this idea even more beautiful and great to want to share with the world. There might be communities that still struggle to adopt the idea but it is getting there one way or another, and today I am inspired by this because the youth of this country takes initiative in empowering themselves so that they can empower others that still struggle to identify their potential in this world. So I edge you to try this principle and practice it every day and see how the next person will feel!

 When I think of UBUNTU it brings words of compassion like Sisonke (meaning togetherness), because once one possesses Ubuntu they automatically inherit Sisonke in their lives. Then this just flourishes our communities into the safest and liveable neighbourhoods that can be in these times of confusion and we will come together like never before. Then this will bring prosperity in our lives and there won’t be a need for wars, prostitution, and poverty, only because sisisonke (we are together) and we are human beings that have humanity. This country exist because its foundation is Ubuntu and sisonkeness if I may put it that way, furthermore the freedom that we have comes mainly because of this and now our minds are flowing in one direction which is making sure that this country remain example of peace in the world and its beauty remain great as it is. So my plea to the people of the Mozanzi to continue being beautiful like your country and keep on nurturing it.

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