Thursday, 17 May 2012



[priv-uh-lij, priv-lij] Show IPA noun, verb, priv·i·leged, priv·i·leg·ing.
a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.
Some of us grow up not knowing why we have certain things or for that matter how lucky we are to have what we have. i am a student that studies human beings and how they function in their normal being, also in the abnormal stages{when they are sick}so that when they are sick i can be able to return them to their normal health. now i consider this a privilege to myself because i am entrusted with this power to learn everything about the body that sometimes it just feels weird when some of your Friends ask you if you can give them tips on how to handles their ladies, for the mere fact that you have wisdom  in the functionality of females.
LOL, this always capture my mind and keep it intrigued in such a way that i would sometimes think that i should be learning as much as i can, so that one day when I'm with my lady she can be fulfilled so that where ever she is she can think of her husband or making sure is is always home..oh by the way this is just a thought of my own. but its a privilege I'm talking about out also in this regard meaning responsibility.

I am privileged and i will do what i can to make sure this is fulfilled and that where possible health can be a priority to me,furthermore make sure that i help as much as i can because life is a gift that only comes once and saving those that are in need of second chances any how possible.

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