Friday, 22 August 2014

Path to eternity

Every man or woman has his/her corner stone and their spiritual guides. Those things that define our ultimate belief in life. Some put their hope or faith in Ancestry dwellings, some in idolatry and some in God.

how did we reach there most ask, those inquisitive minds like myself. we are faithful today, because of our forefathers and how they found their life experience which ever faith you are in. That no matter how strong willed one is, at the end  there must be Something that we are working towards and we can not get there alone with our own strength.

And through the Journey there must be some energy out there that is beyond our own comprehension, that is guiding us to reach that moment when we encounter a supreme Being. SUPREME and so mysterious  that we have to believe that He is the reason we are here on earth to graduate in this life that is full of agony but most of all  full of enter into another that is idyllic.

So even if you don't believe in God something is there that you deem important to your soul and you will serve to your utmost and utter degree. just because you feel life will be appalling if you have not. These thoughts that we feed comes from those who raised us because they have a certain believe structure and with the influence from our peers, adversity and our debacles. our faith either changes or is strengthened.

Life would be even more difficult if we were thoughtless and lacked curiosity, because all that is the core functionality of our Journey into the next life. And although every person is different and we have different psychological ranges, that doesn't mean that if your choices are intelligible then the next  being is a complete utter idiot when they are faced  with same dire challenges as you, because they responded otherwise. No its not like that because when we face with different adversities we react differently.

Its for those reasons why many people have mentors  because we constantly require guidance from people who have the same believes and faith, in order for us to progress into our illuminant selves.

Life is easy when you have support and faith to propel your soul into these idyllic places that we all want to reach.

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